
Artikel 26 Van 45

Polen | Klederdracht | Kraków - Lalki regionale Para Krakowska EKK St. Wyspianskiego 50's (met bewaardoos)

€ 35,00 € 17,50 (Inclusief BTW)
Voorraad 1 stuk

Beeldschoon stelletje nog in de originele doos met drukknopje om het open te doen. De details zijn prachtig en veelzijdig. 

General description: A young unmarried couple from Krakow


Man 15 (with feather) x 8 x 4.5 cm

Woman 12 x 7 x 5 cm

Unpainted circular wooden base 8 x 8 x 0.3 cm

Original Date Unknown but in internet similar dolls are given as “vintage”.

Source The base has the following words under it: Spoldzielnia Pracy R.L. I A. im. St. Wyspianskiego w Krakowie. Laki Regionale Sww 2826-121-064-905-W, Lalka pary h-12, Cena umowna, Hand made, wzor zatwierdzony przez EKK. It also has the Cepelia logo.


The young woman or girl is wearing a stiffened wide red skirt down to below her knees. It has roses painted on it in pink, white and yellow, with green leaves. Her apron is made of white lace, with a pattern of flowers woven into it. Under her skirt is a stiffened white petticoat and white underpants. She has a long plain white cotton blouse on with ruffs at the cuffs and around her neck. The back of the ruff is decorated with two ribbons tied in bows and hanging down to the hem of her skirt. One is pink and the other a golden yellow. Her black bodice is decorated with a pattern of red and gold circles and lines. Around her neck are three loops, possibly mimicking coral necklaces. She has a floral headdress around her head. On her feet are (painted on) boots reaching midway up her calves.

Her companion is wearing the typical four-cornered red krakuska hat, with a band of black around its edge. On its left side, it is decorated with a feather and two long tassels (red and yellow) that hang down to his waist. His costume consists of red and white striped trousers tucked into his boots (like those of the girl) and a long-sleeved white cotton shirt. The collar is closed by a red tassel. His sleeveless waistcoat is made of black felt with red trimming around its edges. It is held in place by a reddish brown leather-like belt with a gold buckle and decorated with a loop of leather with a row of metal rings attached to it. There is a row of five French knots embroidered in orange thread on each side of the front, with three dark green tassels. The bottom of the waistcoat is split into four flaps, two at the front and two at the back.


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Specificatie Omschrijving
Lengte 14 cm
Breedte 0 cm
Hoogte 0 cm
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